Water Dominant Person
Visualize river, lake, vapor, liquid.
Properties - Characteristic
- Freestyle type of person.
- Always in transformation, person keep on adapting to any environment.
- Take shape and side of containing object. Not often hold a strong opinion on any thing. Debate isn't this person strength. Rather prefer discussion.
- Person can be influenced, persuaded much easier than others.
- Allow environment around to shape them, do not like exert force to shape the environment.
- Easy going, calm person, transmit a peaceful feeling, cooling affect. A supportive individual.
- Calmness, conserving and stillness are the positive emotion.
- Water is representative of intelligence, wisdom, flexibility, softness and pliancy.
- Have a great sense of hearing. Enjoy music, and often have musical talent. Use music to express self.
Behavior - Personality
- Spontaneous person, if mood feels like it, then do it rather than thinking about it. But if not in a mood, doesn't matter what people tell you. You would stay put.
- Less competitive person, will try your best but not devastated over defeats as compare to a metal person.
- A care free person, not so worry about what others think, be yourself and feel free.
- Either like salty food or eat very lightly salted.
- Prefer to take role as a great follower, not comfortable in leading position in group environment.
- If in leadership role, lead by group consent, taking everybody inputs.
- Going along with the group. "Doesn't matter" or "whatever" are often the responses. Can fit in quickly also help everyone to get along.
- Be able to maintain a vast network of friends, even weak links and always leave a friendly impression on others.
- Always look happy when active with others. But deep inside, when by themselves, they can either be solitude or tranquil. Imagine a very calm still pond of water.
- Often a rather passive person, waiting for things to happen.
- Over-abundance of water element in a person can cause indecisiveness or the inability to stick with a decision.
- Fear is the feeling that always hold water person back from taking a step. Fear of failure, fear of rejection. A more conservative person.
- Water person if left too long by themselves or raise in a less loving family often becoming an introvert, very cold personality, not so approachable. Like ice.
Destructive Cycle:
- Water is controlled by earth. Earth is used to build dam, wall that block water.
Controlling Cycle:
- Water controls fire. A water person doesn't get the hot negative energy emit from a fire person. Water can remain calm and counsel a fire person.
Generative Cycle:
- Water condensed on metal. Metal traps or hold water or can be melted into liquid. Water person doesn't mind hanging around metal person. Metal person get along with water, in which metal most of the time make the decision and water is happy with it. Mutual benefits, one is firm while one is soft. One is decisive, the other glad to have decision to be made for.
- Water nurture wood and allow it to grow. Wood retain water and moisture.
Overacting Cycle:
- Too much water on metal induce rust and discolor the glamorous quality of metal. Having a strong water person can irritate metal person. When metal feels less significant because water now taking charge or getting too much attention away from metal. Metal could easily become jealous.
- Too much metal on little water cause water to lose it purity. As rust is formed, water turn brown, losing it clarity and calmness. A strong metal person can be too commanding and demanding to water, holding water in a container for too long rather than letting it flow. This causes water to stagnate, water person to become dull and lose it good qualities.
- Too much wood with little water suck water dry. A water person feel insignificant, as if nothing can please wood. Water loses it calmness, small body of water can't buffer as much as large body of water. Water person become angry more easily, losing confidence and spontaneity.
Part 4 - Earth - To be continue...