On my first post: Why Wu Xing, I talked about the Wu Xing Concept (The Five element theory). On the later post I talked about the Five element theory in our food. Now, I would like to extend my observation of this Five Element theory on how it can be applied to YOU.
As each person can be characterized by one dominant element and one recessive element, it is the properties of the dominant element that reflected upon your personality, your taste, your preferences and especially your interaction with other people, who are also characterized as another element.
By reflecting upon those attributes of a person and more importantly their specific interaction with other people, I can formula a classification for which element best fits them.
Once a person is being classified as an element, further personality traits and behavior can be interpolated and predicted. Using the element properties, I can use it to understand and reason certain behaviors of a person or predict a most likely response to a situation that person is facing.
Wood Dominant Person
Visualize a tree, cluster of tree, or a forest

Properties - Characteristics
- Enjoy the outdoor, active, more athletic.
- Like to try new things, exploratory. (Tree growth)
- Person is pretty in a natural way without much artificial material
- Either like sour food or hate it.
- Green or blue, or a mixture of those: purple, cyan, yellow are color of choice.
- Strong solid person, develop confident and becoming stronger overtime.
- Can store a large amount of information, secret and retain feelings. But absorb it over time (Tree sucks up nutrient, and water from earth)
- However, retaining too much feelings without proper way of channeling, can be poisoning to self. This could cause emotional instability and break down (Over watering plan, or too much sun/heat)
- Loyal and plan ahead. (Tree sticks to its solid and always plan ahead for where the next leaf will be at)
- Carefully weight each decision. Often try to use too many outside variables in calculating making decision. Perfectionist. (As a tree growth is driven by many environment variables)
- Stay firm to beliefs and sometimes could be stubborn.
- Sight is the strongest sense, quick with the eyes, able to recognize and identify things quickly.
Behavioral - Personality
- Like company, constantly seeking people and event. Hate to be alone, enjoy team work and group activities. (Tree often never grow alone)
- Like to be near other wood, water or earth person.
- Out going person, introvert by nature but extrovert around people.
- Sensitive person, who does more listening than talking. (Sensitive to the environment)
- Observant to everything going on around. Like a guard, sentry, observation post.
- Wood is sentimental person, always dig its root deep and hold on to memories.
- Remember things for a long time, including the details. (hold on to ground)
- Prefer to stay put, doesn't like to move around a lot.
- Family oriented, close niche of friends.
- High integrity, keep your word.
- Lack of mobility, difficulty of maintaining relationship with many people at once but only keeping a selective close group.
- Prefer gradual change but not sudden.
- Seek growth from outside sources. Dependent stable environment to grow. Require a strong family and friendship foundation.
Destructive Cycle:
- Wood is destroyed by metal. Chopped up, restraint from growth. Metal tents to have bent, and shape wood (Think of bonsai tree).
- A wood person is not compatible with metal, since a wood person will be constrained and shaped by metal. However, sometime these constrains can be beneficial as a guide for a tree to grow.
- Earth is parted by wood, broken up by roots. But also prevent corrosion.
- Wood digs into the earth, parting it apart. A wood person cause an earth person to loose it richness. Sucking away nutrient and cause earth's mood to be dampen. However wood help earth to maintain its integrity. Prevent corrosion and keep earth together. Keep earth person from being arrogant and boasting.
Insulting Cycle:
- Wood person often upset a metal person. Wood person always push the metal out of comfort zone. Not paying attention as much to metal, ticking metal off.
- Earth cause wood to feel unaccomplished. An earth person always a source of motivation for wood, a role model. Wood looks up to earth, but always feel like earth person is always ahead, achieve more and better than wood.
Generative Cycle:
Overacting Cycle:- Wood feeds on and consumed by fire. Fire is generate only from wood. Fire person is inspired and motivated by wood.
- Water nurture and create wood. Wood person flourish with abundant of water friends.
- Too much wood, generate uncontrollable fire
- Too much water, rotten wood.
Part 2 - Metal - To be continue....
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