Earth Dominant Person
Visualize soil, rock, dam, mountain, earth
Properties - Characteristic
- Solid strong person. Nurturing nature, having the characteristic of supporting.
- Enrich personality, with optimistic look at the world. Always positive, carrying yang energy.
- Full of wisdom, idea, and energy. Imagine how the earth is rich with minerals, abundant of nutrients and carbon energy.
- A source of strong support, counseling. People tent to come to an earth person for advices and guidance.
- Earth person is strong, maintaining ground, earn people respect quickly.
- Motivating to be around with.
- Earth person represent balance in both yin and yang, the feminine and masculine. Be able to have friends, conversations in both gender type.
- Earth person is associated with the qualities of patience as earth takes epochs for transformation.
- Thoughtfulness is in the nature of an earth person, this person seeks to draw all things together with itself, in order to bring harmony, rootedness and stability.
- Pay good deal of attention into tastes and food. Enjoy making food or eating out.
Behavior - Personality
- Earth person takes leadership role through uniting everyone by gaining their respect quickly.
- Earth person can be a great follower with strong integrity, who leaders can truly rely on this person to get the job well done.
- People come to earth person, rather than earth seeking friends.
- Earth person is often cheery and calm, but when angry everybody would know.
- As in team work, earth person draw everyone ideas, inputs and compile in to a suitable solution for all.
- Earth person represents practicality, hard work and stability. Sometimes vocal about obstacle but, steady moving to tackle it. A steady unstoppable force.
- Earth person is ambition, stubbornness at time. As earth person hold their ground and maintain a solid strong opinion. They take responsibility early on, and maintain long term planning.
- Earth person has a craving for sweet, or have no sweet tooth at all.
- A good listener and a conversationalist. Able to absorb and discuss pretty much any subjects, but will have a strong opinion about it.
Destructive Cycle:
- Earth is said to be controlled by Wood. A better way to put it is earth is defenseless against wood. Wood can parse earth, break up rocks, and hold on to earth as it digs its root deep.
- An earth person often come to a wood person for second opinion, analyze or parsing a situation.
Controlling Cycle:
- Earth controls water as mountain rises above sea, dam hold back water and control its flow. Water flow in channels and river designated by earth.
- An earth person often has the authority over water, water might often not like it but still listen to earth. Water often won't be able to rise above or over come earth.
Generative Cycle:
- Fire generate earth. As fire burn anything into ashes.
- Earth person is further enriched by having fire around. It is cleansing and and important process to keep earth at a balance.
Overacting Cycle:
- Too much fire on earth can have destructive power as in volcanic eruption and forest fire.
- As being with fire person too much can irritate earth, as earth is responsible, balance and thoughtful. Fire is more childish, wild and spontaneous. These conflicting characteristic can spark arguments.
Part 5 - Fire - To be continue...
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